News from the Brixton Moord & Roof Orkes is that work on a new album has started. A number of new compositions are already on the boil and the recording of one of the tracks has been completed. But band members are also busy with other creative outlets. As reported previously, the band’s drummer, Ockert Greeff, was the winner of the 2024 Vallum Chapbook poetry award. An insightful interview with him has just been published, with him commenting on the link between drumming and writing poetry. Read it here, or sommer just click on the image.

Other news is that Gerhard Barnard, otherwise the band’s guitarist and now also bass player, has produced a number of new sculptures. Some of these have already been sold by his gallery. His latest works have moved from abstract to figurative, with Barnard proving what he is capable of as sculptor.

Finally, Andries Bezuidenhout, the band’s rhythm guitarist and vocalist, is involved in a multidisciplinary exhibition titled “Juxtaposition and value” that will open at the University of Fort Hare’s campus in eDikeni on 19 February. The exhibition, and a corresponding colloquium, explore the interconnectedness of water, energy and food. Bezuidenhout has produced a video for this upcoming exhibition, with music that draws on guitar and bass tracks recorded by Gerhard Barnard for the band’s forthcoming album. The video documents a mural art project at the Mdantsane Art Centre near East London in the Eastern Cape.